Not only do we aim to educate our young people on topics derived from the national curriculum and the wider world, but we also focus on understanding and interpreting their immediate environment. This includes everyday life skills and previously inaccessible knowledge through the implementation of accredited AQA workshops. We heavily promote education as a proven route to success as this approach helps to motivate and encourage our service users to broaden their horizons, in turn furthering their ability to become independent.

Here are a few AQA accredited workshops we provide:

  • Healthy eating
  • Personal hygiene
  • Drugs and alcohol awareness
  • Personal health and fitness
  • Understanding healthy relationships
  • Sexual health
  • Being safe online
  • Developing communication skills
  • Developing cooking skills
  • Health and safety training on managing risks around your home
  • Understanding your community and how to engage positively with different people in different ways
  • Gang awareness and intervention
  • Equality and diversity awareness
  • Broadening horizons/developing interests with group trips and tours
  • Support to access further education such as college and university

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