Young London Today provides high quality assured accommodation for the majority of service users across the Capital, with essential recreational amenities and equipment, to create and endorse a safe environment for vulnerable young people; where they are free to express their individuality, grow and develop.

With access to accommodation in tandem with our provision of personal development and support, each and every young person is able to obtain a 360-degree perspective on what independent life as an adult consists of.

Below are a few examples of our properties:

24 Hour Supported Homes: YLT provide homely dedicated 24 Hour Units for either Males or Females who are leaving care and are assessed to be in need of additional support to develop their skills and reduce and manage risky behavior. Young People have their own lockable room and share the house facilities i.e. kitchen bathroom, lounge area. This provision comes with an agreed allocation of 1-2-1 support from a dedicated keyworker that works individually with service users on their support plan. The keyworker supports the Young person to engage with education/vocation work or training. They will support the young person with independence and life-skills, budgeting and provide a monthly report that covers the 5 key outcomes of the ECM, additionally any breaches of curfew/tag absences are reported to the host EDT.

Shared Homes: When not referred directly for this service, young people will usually transition through a step-down program from a 24 hour house into a shared accommodation. This provision enables more independence as no staff are on site on a continuous basis. In general service users in these properties are fully engaged with education/training or work and are coming to the end of their care episode, gearing up for independence within their own tenancy. The service users have their own room and share facilities. They also have house keys which they must take full responsibility for and have demonstrated an ability to live in this setting. Keyworkers support these service users in the same way with an element of independence as outlined in the transition/care plan. The keyworker will support the Young person to achieve further independence, evidencing around the 5 key outcomes the service users progress, and suitability to manage their own tenancy.

Stand-alone provision:  These provisions are specifically requested for service users needing their own property due to risk (YOS) or dependency (Mother & Baby). This bespoke package ensures that service users remain safe, engage with services being offered, this may come from a multi-agency framework. This home can be offered either staffed or attached key work hours. The provision offered usually requires YLT to update and report back on progress more regularly for appropriate responses and actions to be taken.

Outreach Support: YLT are able to offer a London wide outreach key work only support service. Our key workers are trained to support young people in the community and achieve excellent outcomes. Hours can be booked as independent package and the Home Local Authority will receive agreed monthly reports on progress.

Unaccompanied Minors: Young People from this cohort can and do have specific needs that are different from the indigenous population. YLT have multi-lingual staff who are experienced in supporting Unaccompanied Young people who are often are referred under specific conditions that require assessment or further investigation, with elements of reporting to Home Office UK-BA.

Emergency Accommodation: YLT operate a 24 Hour Out of Hours service.  We are able to accommodate and facilitate placements on an EDT basis.  All placements made through this service are required to be accommodated in a 24 Hour setting pending assessment.

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